Thursday, September 6, 2012

"What Makes A Good Cow Dog" (Part One) - My Young Rookie

Today My young Rookie had to stay out in the pasture from 10 am to 6pm holding off the herd while I put in  fencing for another new zone . I had to bar off an imaginary gate with rope that was curious and tempting for the herd and they were hard to keep off by myself  without a dog willing to keep them at bay. At first, I trusted my rope , which was not a good idea. They were fast and furious to squeeze through until Rook bailed me out and brought back the herd. It was a long day. I had to trek back and forth from our working area and the "Rookster" stayed maintaining a great border control yards away from where I had to work. I was also getting hungry and had to trust that he would stay in that zone while I left him and the herd - He now comfortably lays down watching over the herd ( something I did not teach him) and is quick to rise when he feels the need to restrain the herd when his "boss" is working. Thanks Buddy! 

Some random pics of the day. 

CLICK HERE to View Part Two
Yong Master Rook on a long day of duty

Rook doing border control - he had to do this for hours when the herd was continually wanting to  squeeze through the ropes

Rook remaining on duty
Rook remaining on duty
Rook staying on duty
"The young Rookie" content to watch over the herd until I am finished my job
My Rookie
Happy boy watching over the herd
watching over the herd as the sun sets while I try and finish my job 

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