Sunday, April 15, 2012

“The Crew” Helps Host April “Tracking” Seminar (Part Two With Mock Trial!)

This weekend was chock-full of on-going activity for the Crew. Today was day-2 for the Tracking seminar for the new beginners ( Click Here to view that post) and the Mock Trial for Ash and her comrades in her tracking class. 

The seminar students laid the tracks at the end of the day for the mock trial for the following day so we could practise our blind tracks laid by a stranger in a trial setting.

Ash and her classmates had a lot of fun and all worked hard and were motivated at finding the article as their end goal on their tracks. 

Below are some pics of the day! What an awesome weekend of working our dogs, as we continue to enjoy and love the passion for tracking!

Me and Miss Ash working her blind track - thanks to Sera for the pics!
Ash working hard to pick up the scent of the stranger and snaps the right corner - yay! Beautiful corner transition!

Ash finds the article (a leather glove) at the end of her track - good girl!

Our fabulous instructor Donna captured more of the event, so for more pics of Miss Ash during her Mock Trial with her comrades "Quila" the Golden Retriever, "Shimar" the Afghan, "Zevah" the German Shepherd and "Ohla" the Belgian Shepherd, and the seminar students who laid our blind tracks CLICK HERE!

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