Monday, November 19, 2012

Raw Ramblings For "Rook"

Some times refrigerators have great snack items for raw-fed pooches. Our barely two-year old fridge broke down and we got a new one for free. Rook was pleased to see that fresh raw deer legs were also provided:-) 

Our New Fridge for Free! It was a bit scraped so the Crew and I posted a pic of Rook's sire Maccabee "Macc" to help mask the imperfections. The pic is a poster of a young master "Macc" who  appeared in the breeds column of  Dogs in Canada magazine back in 2004. The most important thing for me, is that the fridge works and "the crew", well they believe it is the ultimate"Pez Dispenser for raw-fed pooches."
Rook is more than ready to sample his new snack
Wait a minute boy, I am going to carry your "leg of Deer" outside!
Rook "digging in "  - raw bones help keep my Crew's teeth pearly and white!
Rook decides he must carry it around and flaunt his delicious snack 
A sleepy boy with his snack:-)
Ok back to the free fridge with Deer leg dispenser:-) 

Rook  is an old hat at feasting on raw. Some "pupster" pics of my boy feasting on elk.

To view more about "the Raw life with the Crew" CLICK HERE

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