Friday, November 30, 2012

The "Art" of the Crew - My Muses

The Crew, family, and many people, have been on me lately to coax me back into my real passion - my Art. A few pics of paintings I have sold. I am sure there will be more to blog about  with my "muses" who are inspiring me to get back into my passion again. So, for now, here are a  few pieces that are helping me focus on my "first love". In the new year,  I need to schedule more studio time  in between working as an editor and rancher. The Crew says they have no problems helping me regain my passion:-) My paintings are based on my own photography, which has helped me travel back to my love of fine art. 

"Young Herder"  Ash- mixed media - gouache and layers of  ink. My first love back as a student at the Ontario College of Art was gouache. I am now experimenting with using inks as a foreground medium with  gouache in the background. I like this technique since I can play with the dualism of transparency and opacity in the same framework. And I love working in layers.
Oil on canvas "My Muse"  Maccabee
Stay tuned for more bodies of work as I add to my portfolio - I hope to establish a web site in the new year to showcase my paintings.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, I am so honoured to be in the presence of
    such brilliance. I CAN'T WAIT FOR LESSONS! I am so thrilled that you are painting again!


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